This is great. Your going straight to my favorites!
This is great. Your going straight to my favorites!
What the hell?
Nice graphics (the gun looked great!) but why did he shot himself?
Here is some hatemail written to Doki about this..
This is literally the first time I've ever had a strong enough reaction to anyone's flash cartoons on the net that I actually feel inclined to email them, so on some level you can probably use that for some kind of grim satisfaction.
First of all, it must be said that I'm of the age and background where I have a high tolerance for a wide range of things I see on the net, going to all sorts of extremes. It takes a fair amount to get a reaction out of me-
I'm rarely bothered by anything I see in that context, and I've seen a lot over the last 11 years online.
The thing that compels me to write this email is the sheer pointless
ugliness of your "milkman" piece. I'm not bothered when people feel inclined to use extreme imagery or shock value to make a point. However, that piece of yours makes no point- it's the definition of pointless. What I think bothers me the most is that this sort of thing is precisely what's wrong
with the democratization of technology like affordable personal computers and in fact the internet itself. These things make it possible for anyone and everyone to publish anything and have it seen by an audience immediately, regardless of merit (or lack thereof). And now in this case, I have to put up with it and frankly, I'm fucking fed up. I gather that you're a university student and thus at the age where this sort of issue is unlikely to occur to you, and I'm probably wasting time and energy writing this as a result, but think about this:
What about the concept that if you're going to spend time and energy making stuff that people are going to see (and probably a good percentage of these people may be too young to absorb things in their proper context), perhaps you should consider whether in fact there's any real reason for what you're
making to exist. Are you adding anything of any real value to the general internet/cultural noise level, or just wasting bandwidth on (destructive and pointless) crap?
I'm not saying that I think everything on the net has to be shiny and sanitized- not in the least. I'm saying that, things being what they are globally at the moment, if you're going to use violent imagery and shock value, how about using them in service of an actual idea, rather than for their own sake? Hollywood does enough of that already, adding to it serves no purpose.
Another great chapter to a great series!
This one makes everything I have been asuming about the series false. Even Hubert C. is'nt real. Nothing ever was. Until this little girl came along he was living in a fantasy world. When the girl talks, his fantasy world where he made up everything starts to crack, so he freaks out. Only Doki knows where this series will end up...
AHAHAHAha.... Funny!
Your a genius. That was excellent. I can't even think of something good to point out. It was just brilliant.
Nicely done.
The style was original and the graphics were great. It was'nt very interesting. But good job anyway.
To all those who don't know..
This is a classic. Weither its good or not. Tekno_Goblin & LeadSpork you are a pair of munchkins. You can't review this movie as if it was done by some retarded 13 year old. This was done in 2001. LeadSpork, you were 10 when this was first out. I hate all you 13 year old munchins. DIE!! Long live All your base.
Your a legend Mindchamber.
That was sooooooooooooo good.
Age 36, Male
Dublin, IRL
Joined on 10/23/04